You See Things

You See Things... And You Understand

‘You see things. You keep quiet about them and you understand.’ The Perks of Being a Wallflower

kind of introvert

People Will Find You Too Much Or Not Enough

‘Whatever kind of introvert you are, some people will find you ‘too much’ in some ways and…

who looks inside

Who Looks Inside, Awakes - Carl Jung

‘Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who…

introverts small talk

Introverts Do Not Dislike People...

‘Let’s clear one thing up: Introverts do not hate small talk because we dislike people. We hate small…

Extrovert or Extravert

Extravert Or Extrovert?

What’s the right spelling: extrovert or extravert? Extravert is the correct spelling in psychology, which is my background…

More Than Personality

We Are More Than Our Personality

This Louder Minds website is for introverts to understand ourselves better. To embrace our personal weirdness and accept…

4 Shoulds Give Up Introvert

4 'Shoulds' To Give Up If You're An Introvert

Are you an introvert? Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the expectations of others and the pressure of their demands? To go…

Introvert Versus Extrovert Trap

4 Reasons To Avoid The Introvert Versus Extrovert Trap

People like Susan Cain have done a lot to make introvert and extrovert mainstream concepts. This is great – it means more…

Dear Introvert: No, You're Not The Only One

You may have heard about the new Louder Minds Facebook Group, where introverts have literally united, separately, in their own…

Feeling Overwhelmed: How To Find Balance If You're An Introvert

I Was A Faux Extrovert Like many readers of this blog, I spent much of my adult life as a faux extrovert. What do I mean by…