What The Show 'Friends' Taught Me About Being A Happy Introvert

One of my all-time favourite TV comedies is Friends. I’ve watched every episode at least twice, yeah okay three four times.…

Socialize Less, Be Happier - But ONLY If You're Smart

Socialize More, Live In The Country, Be Happier A recently published study has found that life satisfaction is associated with…

Quick, Hold The Lift For Those Strangers!

Oops – I *accidentally* hit the DOOR CLOSE button.

Introverts Don't Get FOMO, We Get JOMO - Joy Of Missing Out

Introverts Don’t Get FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out. We Get JOMO: Joy Of Missing Out. Louder Minds

How To Leave A Party Early

Hmmm…. I think secret passageway and flying piñata are the clear winners here for making a surreptitious party exit.…

[SAVAGE CHICKENS] Introverts Anonymous

Best. Party Ever. 🙂 See more cute Savage Chicken cartoons: http://www.savagechickens.com/tag/introvert……

Introvert Party

REPORT [The Onion]: Only 20 Minutes Until Introverted Man Gets To Leave Party

Introvert Dennis Brewer has got party-going nailed. If I walk back and forth between the conversations in the kitchen and the…

The 5 Stages Of Cancelling Plans

UPDATED Why do people make plans or accept invitations, only to cancel them at the last minute? It’s so annoying! This…