
Dear Google: We Need This Search

We introverts enjoy our alone time and may be quite creative, making many of us adept in the screen arts. By which I mean…


15 Things I Did When I Should Have Been Writing (Procrastination For Introverts Part 2)

You can read Procrastination For Introverts Part 1 here. Here Are 15 High-Quality Things I Achieved When I Should Have Been…


I'm Taking A Workation

Hi everyone! I wanted to let you know I’m going off-grid for a week or so. WHAT?! I hear you scream, immensely distressed…

introverts unite separately own homes

Introverts Unite, Separately In Your Own Homes: Meme Becomes Fabulous Facebook Group

*UPDATED* You thought it was just a meme, but it's actually happened! Introverts across the globe have united, separately, in…

Paper Or Screen: What's Better For Reading Comprehension?

Many introverts are voracious readers. But tablet or book - what's your preference? Psyblog reports a new study that suggests…

Caring For Introverts: The Phone

Before calling an introvert, ask: Is this textable? HINT: It’s always textable

Introvert Survival Kit

Introvert Survival Kit

Every introvert needs their very own Introvert Survival Kit. Here’s what’s in my personal Introvert…

Washing machine introvert

My New Washing Machine Is An Introvert

We recently replaced our washing machine. The old guy was barely five years old, but he needed a new part that would take weeks…