Remember stylus-based PDAs, like Palm Pilots? Remember how every so often you had to re-calibrate the screen? (I’m assuming. Obviously I’m too young to understand my own reference.)
You’d know things were out of alignment because your stylus tap would activate the wrong thing. So you’d go through a few steps to teach the touchscreen where everything was again.
Well, that’s what life’s like for many people. Maybe most people. We periodically find ourselves out of alignment with our true selves, and have to reset to get back into our proper groove. We have to remind ourselves what matters to us, what our values are – and make changes so our lives reflect those values.
We periodically find ourselves out of alignment with our true selves, and have to reset to get back into our proper groove.
Wrong Way, Go Back

And for introverts I think this is especially true.
Why especially for introverts? Because we’re used to subverting our true selves in order to fit in, to meet expectations. We learn young to put on the mask and play the faux extrovert. So I think we may be especially susceptible to ending up lost and out of touch with our true north.
For me, this has happened so many times I briefly considered calling my blog, but I worried people would wonder who this Sheever person was.
I’ve taken jobs I’ve loved, but gotten accolades for a part I disliked, and ended up spending all my time doing that and feeling bleurgh.
I’ve started websites on topics I was passionate about, but let the audience steer me to topics I had no interest in, and ended up spending all my time doing that and feeling bleurgh.
I’ve started writing projects but gotten distracted by the business side, which I neither liked nor was good at, and ended up– well, you can see where this is going. Even if I didn’t. 🙁
I could give you many examples but they all turn out the same: I start from passion but over time I lose sight of what I care about and end up feeling disconnected.
But you know what? Not. This. Time.
This time I want to learn from my mistakes. And maybe help you to avoid this introvert pitfall yourself.
With this new site, Louder Minds, I’ve begun from genuine passion, a desire to share my introvert experiences and to help others embrace and celebrate their inner introvert weirdness and find their own individual style of happiness. To me, Louder Minds feels like home.
But as it’s starting to become more popular, I’m already finding myself getting distracted. By topics that don’t interest me. By social media hullabaloo. By what other people are doing.
Should I write about that? Should I worry about that? Should I do what they’re doing?
It’s so easy to get distracted and find yourself on some other path, miles from where you originally wanted to be and clueless as to how to get back.
And as someone who has more than once gotten completely lost in my own suburb, finding my way home is never simple.
It’s so easy to get distracted and find yourself on some other path, miles from where you originally wanted to be and clueless as to how to get back.
Okay then. If I don’t want the same outcome this time, what am I going to do differently?
Here’s what.
Resetting My Introvert Compass

This time, I’m going to publicly commit to my values as I work on this site. That way, I can come back here any time and see how I’m doing. You guys can also pull me up if I start to stray, if you want to.
So here they are, the Louder Minds topics and values I’m committed to.
- Writing with honesty. Avoiding the superficial and sharing what’s real.
- Writing with originality. Always trying to have a fresh take on whatever the topic is.
- Writing with humour. Because that’s what I like to read and also I don’t know how else to write.
- Not worrying what anyone else is doing, unless it helps me improve on something I care about anyway.
- Having a strong base in psychology. That’s my training and I like evidence-based information, even if it’s not as popular as less scientific approaches.
- Encouraging happiness. I honestly think being happy gives you the best base for being kind and generous to others.
- Encouraging individuality, personal weirdness, and each person’s unique way of being in the world.
- Not fostering an ‘introverts are superior’ attitude. Instead, promoting self-acceptance and other-acceptance regardless of personality.
- Having a beautiful site*. Because I love beautiful things and am much happier writing for a gorgeous blog.
- Aiming for three posts a week (two articles and one funny image or inspirational quote). So the Weekly Introvert Update is neither too short nor too long, neither too serious nor too flippant.
- Protecting my personal boundaries. Making sure I have my personal time and space so my saw stays sharp.
* I’m currently working with a designer to overhaul my website, logo, and visual identity. Can’t wait to share it with you guys!
How To Reset Your Introvert Compass

So how about you?
Maybe you don’t fall into this trap of getting waylaid by other people’s expectations or what other people are doing. In which case, teach me your ways, oh wise one!
But if you’re like me and you regularly find yourself blown about by other voices and what other people want, then maybe you should also declare your values.
Maybe it’s how you want to be at work, or in a relationship, or in a creative field.
Maybe it’s your voice, what you want to say.
Maybe it’s how you spend your time, the things that matter most to you.
Whatever, consider listing your values and priorities so you can be accountable to yourself. As a way of recalibrating your screen. As a way or reminding yourself where your personal north is.
Write it somewhere private, or post it in a comment here if you’re feeling brave.
If you regularly find yourself blown about by other voices and what other people want, then maybe you should also declare your values.
And if you need a little soul-stirring inspiration, here you go:
But if my spirit is lost
How will I find what is near
Don’t question I’m not alone
Somehow I’ll find my way home
I was able to reset my introvert compass by standing up for myself today. And I have this group to thank for it. Thanks for starting this group and doing what you do. ?
Yay you, Stephanie! The Louder Minds Group is pretty cool, isn’t it!
Thank you for your lovely feedback. 🙂
So true… I am pushed till I want to bite someone’s head off (but yet that’s not the real me either!). I will figure this out… I may be an introvert but I am a smart one…I can do this. First of all I will keep the music playing while I work to drown out the background nonsense. Second I will choose 2 people/conversations per day to engage in; all others will be politely ignored.
Thanks for sharing your commitments, Sheila. Please let me know how you go!
This. Is. Amazing. I knew I always felt bleh and then lost, but I never knew why. Thanks so much and I’m excited to read more. 🙂
Carly it’s so great to reset your compass and be true to yourself! Thank you for your lovely comment.
This made total sense and it’s something I’m dealing with now. Because of my husband’s role, where he works, there are traditional expectations of what I should be doing. My husband is great about this. He does not expect anything from me. He knows it’s his calling, not mine. But I get bomabarded all time when I’m there, and even when I’m not. And sometimes I let myself get sucked into situations before I realize what’s going on and then…I’m a hot mess. And now I understand THIS is what’s going on. I need to be firm on my boundaries and say no when i need to say no. Thank you so much for this article.
Hi Giselle. ‘…sometimes I let myself get sucked into situations before I realize what’s going on’. Yes! What a difference it makes when you start to become aware. It’s a lovely journey. 🙂
This is a great article. And HELLA YES. I just realized I started an entire business (well, online store and product line) because OTHER people said I should/wanted me too.
And now I have realized: I don’t want to do that. I don’t like that. Why am I making this product that is really hard work for me, that I don’t love doing, that I can’t charge enough for? Because I feel OBLIGATED? Holy smokes batman. Bad reason. But it was my reason. I just didn’t realize it right away.
And it’s hard! Because over and over again this happens to me. People say: oh. You’re so good at X. You should do that/sell that/be that. And I’m like: hey. I am so good. Yes. I should.
But I don’t like it. Not long term. Not life purpose. Not keep going and keep doing.
So there. Here it is: I am an artist. Full stop. Not a teacher. Not a dollmaker. Not a real estate agent, designer, blogger. I am a visual artist. And that is all I want to do.
Maybe it isn’t the most practical choice. And maybe it’s sort of frightening because my whole life I’ve been told it’s the one thing I can’t be (because it isn’t “practical”). But you know what? I can’t do those other things. My soul rebels.
And really: I don’t need to.
Thank you for this. This is exactly what I needed to read today. You have helped. Keep writing what your passionate about.
I am going to follow suit and stop doing those other things. I’d rather fail at the one thing I want to do than succeed at the things I hate.
I’m so with you Kim. So much better to try and fail at what matters to you than succeed at what doesn’t. And the great thing is that you can’t really fail – because doing what matters CHANGES you. You succeed in an important way.
I’m a school cleaner. I work a split shift every day. I start at 4.30am, finish at 7.30am, back again at 2-6pm. My favourite times of my work day are before anyone else shows up in the morning, and when everyone else goes home in the afternoon. I work mostly alone. The more alone the better. Although there is opportunity to work as a team…NO! I’m reasonably intelligent and did well in school, I’m well read and can be a very good conversationalist, but I prefer not to! I’ve done this job for 22 years. People are always asking me why I “settled” for cleaning. It’s because it’s the perfect job for me as I’m mostly alone! But when so many people question me (including close family), I find myself questioning my own choices and wondering if I did the wrong thing, wondering if I “squandered my potential”, then I go to work in the dark and quiet and aloneness and I know I made the right choice. Other people’s opinions could easily drag me off course, I have to remind myself daily that this is what I want, regardless of what anyone else thinks, or what judgements they make.
Hi Ann, I too am a cleaner and work in offices pm and a pub am before it opens. I love being alone and not having to hold conversations with people so it is the perfect job for me! I did well in school too, love the arts, politics and history, and feel I am reasonably intelligent! I constantly feel ashamed and embarrassed that I have ‘settled’ for cleaning. I feel apologetic that this is what I do, I know I need to stop those voices in my head and live my life for me!
Thank you Ann and Jo I needed to hear that. I’m just about to do the same thing, for the same reasons….
It will give me the opportunity to live my life the way I want to….I’m looking forward to it 😌
I think there’s something distinctly zen about being a cleaner. Although it may not be appealing to everyone, that ability to restore order, to make things nicer, is definitely soothing. I would find a way to reframe the work – eg ‘I enjoy cleaning. I like the sense of order and the quiet, and I find the process almost like a meditation. It’s therapeutic.’
I have had so many similar experiences! I know perfectly well that I must hold my ground with boundaries, and yet I succumb to others’ expectations and desires over and over again. I realize that I truly am an introvert, even though when I am in a social situation I end up being the “funny” one or the one who people with life problems corner and talk talk talk to !
Then, I hear myself saying stupid things like, “I’d be glad to help you, meet for lunch, call me,….etc.”
It’s usually a woman with a needy life, loves to talk on the phone, has no friends. And then I am totally in the black hole of nicely extricating myself from the relationship without actually saying, “I lied. I’m really not as friendly and fun as I acted, I actually hate talking on the phone, and I don’t want any more freinds!
I’m stuck in this cycle once again. Anyone out there who has solved this for yourself?
I LOVE this site, and am devouring everything ❤️
Nancy, I think this is for you: If You Want To Be A Kind Introvert Then Stop Being So Damn Nice
This article really spoke to me today – I’ve been going through emotional turmoil about my job, which pays well but grates at my soul. I’m an introvert in a call center, what was I thinking? 😊 I think what you say is true, I need to declare my values and live my life according to what fulfills me and my creative soul, not what our society says we should be doing to fit in. I’ve always put my writing on the back burner just to pay the bills, but it’s time to embrace that side of me. Thank you for the perspective, it’s good to know there are others out there who feel the way I do.
It IS time, Sasha! I wish you courage and success – whatever form that takes. 🙂
Dear Michele, thank you for sharing these important things! Currently I am dealing with having to find a new job (I was made redundant by the damn corporation) and feeling completely and utterly bleurgh about the whole situation. I would like to make something positive about it, grow personally and all that jazz, but I have no clue how to start, so this is a good kick for me 🙂
I wish you well, Martina, and I hope your excellent perspective guides you to not only survive this experience, but create a happier life for yourself.