If you’re a space alien morning person then you can save yourself some time and stop reading now. There’s nothing here for you, with your bouncing out of bed and your chirpy Good morning! and your ability to navigate the world wholly uncaffeinated.
But if you’re like me, an easily overstimulated introvert who is often all peopled out; if every morning is like a difficult birth, a cruel expulsion from the warm womb of your bed into a harsh, rambunctious, overlit reality that expects you to function as an adult and operate the coffee machine and be civil before midday, then read on.
For there is a secret to making your transition from dreamy to dexterous a calmer one, involving fewer expletives, hardly any tantrums, and considerably less broken crockery.
The secret is to have a morning routine.
Why Have A Morning Routine?
The morning routine works for three main reasons.
First, it is a routine, a set order of steps, a series of actions that occur on automatic pilot. This removes the great enemy of the newly awake and uncaffeinated brain: decision making. The decisions have been pre-made – the scrambled mind need only follow the routine. Very little thinking is required. Which is perfect, because at that point very little thinking is pretty much all we’re capable of.
Second, it protects you in your fragile state from known irritants in the outside world – from annoying people who expect you to speak in coherent sentences through to information that requires active brain cells for processing. A morning routine lets you slowly build up your stamina before you have to cope with such gruelling demands.
Third, it sets you up well for the day. You check in with yourself. You’re more conscious. You clarify what matters, what you want from yourself.
Sounds good, right? So what are the elements of the ideal morning routine?
What Is The Perfect Morning Routine?

Here’s my 7-step prescription for a great morning routine.
1. Stretch, Rise, Throw Back The Covers
While still in bed, take a moment to gloriously extend your limbs, neck, ankles, wrists, hips, torso. I find it helps to moan and carry on a bit, really drawing out the pleasure of streeeeeetching your body.
It feels nice – enjoy it!
Next, get out of bed and throw back those covers. This step lets your bed breathe for a while and signals that you have left the womb. Tada! We are bleary eyed and vague, but we have emerged.
It is the cutting of the cord. But less ew.
2. Defer Devices
I can see the terror in your eyes as you read this but trust me, avoiding the internet is key. In your delicate condition, difficult news or a troubling email or an ambiguous comment on social media can instantly wreck your mood or cause you to completely overreact (this has never happened to me) and set you up for a crapful day.
I know you’ll be tempted – we all are. Although I’ve been using this morning ritual for many months now, I still fight the urge to grab my phone and sneak a somnambulant check-in.
But unless you’re right on the verge of curing cancer or ending poverty and every update matters, resist.
Just try it for a few days and see how you feel.
3. Make Yourself A Delicious Breakfast
For me breakfast is piping hot, grainy toast with melty butter and a strong flat white. I’ve been having the same breakfast for years and I just love it. I’ve worked out the timing so the coffee and toast are ready at the same time, like an operatic crescendo of melding harmonies. (It’s possible I may be overly dramatic about my breakfast.)
As a Sunday ritual Craig and I treat ourselves to large, oven-warmed croissants with butter and raspberry confiture, and of course coffee.
This is not the time to force-feed yourself kale smoothies (unless they make you feel good). This is the time to enjoy something nourishing and delicious. Something good for your body and mind.
4. Do Something Enjoyable While You Have Breakfast

What would make breakfast time more pleasant for you?
I complete the Sydney Morning Herald quick crossword on my iPad (the crossword is on a timer, which keeps me disciplined about staying off email and social media). It’s fun, and as a writer I like having a daily vocabulary challenge.
I know people who love to sit on their balconies and watch the world wake up, or who feel stimulated by reading a motivational book, or some who even talk to family members, which seems awfully brave and foolhardy to me, but to each their own.
Don’t use this time to stress yourself out over email or yell at people on Facebook or howl at the state of the world. You can do all that later.
If you have family or housemates who expect to engage with you at this time, consider resetting expectations. No need to make a big thing of it, simply say something like:
I’ve noticed I’m crabby in the morning so I want to try a new morning ritual and see how that works. I’m going to sit in the spare room by myself and have my cereal and read a novel for 20 minutes every morning.
If you have little ones and a partner, you could each take turns to get your 20 minutes.
If you have little ones and no partner, you may have to *DUN DUN DUN!* leave the
wombbed earlier. I’m no fan of rising any earlier than strictly necessary but I think this may just be worth it.
5. Have An Inspiring Morning Activity
Next, spend some time – 5, 10, 20 minutes, whatever you can manage – doing something that motivates or inspires you, or clarifies what’s important to you right now. Something that sets a good direction for your day, for what you want to achieve and how you’d like to comport yourself.
For me, this is my version of Julia Cameron’s morning pages. It’s a kind of self-therapy where I write with abandon about whatever – it could be downloading something swirling around in my brain, troubleshooting a personal or professional problem, giving myself a pep talk, horrendously overanalyzing something trivial, exploring an idea – anything at all.
I never censor myself and I never re-read (couldn’t if I wanted to, as my scrawl is indecipherable, composed entirely of such brilliant nuggets as harden of antelope Toblerone).
Regardless, I use a beautiful Lamy pen and Moleskine journal, so the process is rather lovely.
Many people like to do a meditation practice, which is a fine idea. (Sadly my attempts at meditation have not been successful and have usually involved my screaming at various people and inanimate objects to be quiet so I could be serene in peace.)
6. Make The Bed

Making your bed is one of those tiny, undervalued tasks that more than returns the time and effort it takes, giving you a precious feeling of peace and order. It makes going to bed that night a much nicer experience too.
After a couple of weeks of bed-making you’ll be able to whip through it in about 3 minutes. It looks good, it feels good.
Make the bed even if you live alone. Even if no one else in your home appreciates it (they probably won’t). Even if you think it’s a waste of time because you’ll only mess it up again tonight. Even still.
If you aren’t a regular bed-maker then it may feel like unnecessary work for a couple of weeks. Persevere. If you’re not convinced by the end of that time, I set you free from this step.
7. Dress Your Best
Whether you spend your days walking the catwalk or cleaning the kitty litter, take care in your self-presentation.
Wear flattering clothes, do something you like with your hair, cultivate a good posture. Carry an attractive handbag or satchel. Have a little style.
Because you’ll feel ready for the day, you’ll feel bien dans sa peau – a lovely French expression that means feeling good in your skin.
Wouldn’t you like to go about your day feeling good in your skin?
Bien sûr, you whisper breathlessly, all Jane Birkin. Why, you little minx, you!
What is Your Personal Ideal Morning Routine?
So there you have it – my 7 essential steps for a great morning routine, even if you’re not a morning person, even if you’re an easily overstimulated introvert.
Do you have a morning routine of your own? I’d love to hear it!
Just let me finish my croissant and crossword first.
My routine is wake up at 0430, hit snooze three times and stumble out of bed, careful to not disturb my husband. Get ready, kiss him goodbye and sit in traffic for 30 miles in the pre-dawn at 0515. No kids yet. As an operating room nurse it’s people people people all day long, go home in rush hour traffic and nap before bed, or if I’m up to it, (twice a week) go to the gym. Small studio so it’s good for me. Do it all again the next day.
Oh Velia, I’m not surprised you enjoy that nap!
I’m 65 and retired, so unless we have specific plans, I am privileged to wake up without an alarm clock (like I did for 35 years when I worked). Am I’m STILL groggy no matter how late I sleep in.
My morning routine is go to the bathroom, make my coffee, unload the dishwasher if it needs it, or put away any clothes that were hanging to dry overnight. These are not exciting tasks but, as you stated in your article, they do not require me to think. They are automatic. It buys me some brainless time.
During the warm months, I might take my coffee outside to the deck where I would admire the trees and smile at the birds at the feeders. I would pray and thank God for making all the beautiful things that I see around me (our mountain view – yay). I usually read a bit in the Bible.
I am guilty of checking my phone while still in bed. I’m going to try not to do that for a while and see if I like it better. I’m not on Facebook or any other social media except emails, so there’s not a lot to read.
Thanks for a helpful article.
Gail, that mountain view while you have coffee sounds wonderful! And I hope you find the phone experiment helpful.
Sounds wonderful! Peace is a key ingredient, which I couldn’t get, back when I had kids. I need to take advantage of it more now.
Please do, Cathy, I think it can be a significant morning thing for many of us.
I get out of bed, turn the coffee pot on do my bathroom stuff, take the dog out feed him and his pal (a cat) breakfast, dress, poor coffee to go and I am out the door. All done in 20 minutes. If I deviate I tend to forget something. I do the reverse when I come home.
Jeanine I love that you feed the dog AND his cat pal. 🙂
Thank you for validating what I’ve recently learned about better handling mornings for a non-morning person! I, too, have developed a routine recently that allows me to enjoy my breakfast – usually eaten out on my patio among beautiful plants and birds, even on cold mornings. I wrap in a blanket and get myself outside no matter the weather. If raining, I’m cuddled under the eave. Getting out with nature first thing in the morning with coffee and/or breakfast helps balance the demands of the corporate world in which I work.
Cindy, what a wonderful start to the day for a nature lover!
Thank you! I loved this! I approach mornings in much the same way you do, and have been doing morning pages for years. Luckily I’ve found a job where I don’t have to be up too early, but even still, on those days, I don’t have time for morning pages (just on the weekends.) On work days, I have a morning routine I like of quietly swishing mouthwash while opening all the blinds, putting last night’s snack dish/wineglass by the sink, washing my face, making coffee, etc.. getting ready and listening to something enjoyable in the car on the way, eating breakfast on the way.. i don’t check social media until after the 1st class I teach, usually..
Rachel I bet your peaceful morning routine makes you a better, more patient teacher, too.
Thank you.. yes it probably does make a difference.. 🙂
I’m working on how to handle our dog and three cats in the morning, as they demand their breakfast (and a walk for the dog) as soon as the alarm goes off. I know I’d be less stressed if I felt more control over this morning pet routine and could wake up more slowly and quietly.
I’m going to try staying off the email and social media as part of my early-morning activities.
Hi Anne. I wonder if you could try a vibration alarm or something that wakes you but not them? Good luck!
I am retired now so wake without alarm clock (usually ). All 4 dogs get up with me, slowly make my way downstairs in dressing gown, dogs into garden, put kettle on…..then sit and read for up to 2 hours. Cups of tea to accompany the reading. Dogs all cuddle up with me and sleep.
You might think know this is just because retired but I always had to gave at least 1hour before even getting ready for work, whatever time I start. Yes even when I had to be at work for 6am I got up at 4am.
My dogs have all learnt “naturally” ( just by living with me) that I do not wake up quickly and if forced to I am unbearable!
Alison, that sounds like a lovely way to start the day, for you and your lucky dogs!
I won’t harm your lovely blog with the horrors of my non-existent morning routine. Thank God my husband is willing to deal with the highly unnecessary morning enthusiasm of our otherwise-precious dogs. Preparing the caffeine the night before so all it requires is one groggy finger touch on the go button is my one other survival technique. Thank you for writing with humor and wisdom – great ideas that I will be starting!
Ahh, I love the idea.
Being a single mum, coping with Adrenal Fatigue and having to parent three offspring aged 5, 9 & 12 is tough work, and even tougher in the mornings when they decide that making unnecessary noises, or starting a sibling rivalry war is a great way to almost push Mum to the point of wanting to take herself to check into the mental health unit!!
In the meantime, I count down until my next mini-break without children, and as you suggest, ensure that you’ve done any ‘must make a decision’ tasks the night before, because my brain isn’t awake before about 10am, regardless of how many hours sleep I have had!
Thank you for writing this post! I just gave birth a few months ago, so my mornings now mostly involve sneaking in a few more minutes of sleep. However, I would like to establish a morning routine for myself, and hopefully pass it on to my daughter. Many thanks for the wonderful ideas!
Running is both (mentally) calming and (physically) energizing. It elevates one’s mood for a good 12 hours. Plus if there are other people in your household, it’s a great way to get some solitude.
This is both hilarious and on point. I rise at 5:25 so that I can be awake for my commute. My routine is coffee, devotional, and the dreaded online COvId screening. My work day stars at 7. No matter how early I go to bed or stick to a routine, I still don’t feel human until 8. This week a co worker told me I was rude because I don’t say hello through the closed door to her office. I give up!
This is both hilarious and on point. I rise at 5:25 so that I can be awake for my commute. My routine is coffee, devotional, and the dreaded online COVID screening. My work day starts at 7. No matter how early I go to bed or stick to a routine, I still don’t feel human until 8. This week a co worker told me I was rude because I don’t say hello through the closed door to her office. I give up!